The Russians will drop an H-Bomb on us tomorrow
The average American family is as depicted on Father Knows
Best and the Donna Reed Show
Corporate America
cares for you
America made the best cars
And so on. As the years passed I had learned that we had
been fed this drivel so that concerned parties could increase their power base
and financial interests. Yes, there may have been a modicum of truth here and
there but all-in-all these were gross overstatements designed to scare the
bejeezus out of us and keep us in line.
I don't consider myself one who falls for conspiracy theories and I am adamantly
against most. I believe that we landed on the moon several times, Israel was
not responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center, The Earth is 4 1/2 to
6 billion years old, the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago* long before
the ancestors of man came into the picture and that we perfected time travel in
the 1940's in a attempt to assassinate Hitler but failed miserably.
No matter how nefarious the above attempts to control us has
been there is even a darker attempt to control us through propaganda. Instead
of feeding us with erroneous information regarding items to control our
political, moral and social beliefs there has always been an attempt to force
our behavioral patterns and mold us into a cookie cutter ideology. Whenever you
try to get to the source of the information we are informed that THEY say these
are true. Who are THEY?
I am proud to say no matter how hard THEY tried to get me to
fall in line, THEY have failed. It has been my belief that the United Nations
was behind this on their quest to dominate the world and increase their black
helicopter fleet and their army of agents wearing black. I went through the UN's
website looking for a summary of the responsibilities of UNICEF. I have learned
that the C in UNICEF stands for Children which confirms that this plot starts
here as this propaganda is directed initially to Children.
Some of the propaganda that I grew up with were:
Swallowing apple seeds or orange pits will cause a tree to
grow out of your navel when you are asleep (a blatant attempt by fruit growers
in this country to stop people from planting their own orchards).
Smoking cigarettes around children was not detrimental to
their health (pandering to the interests of tobacco farmers and cigarette
Butter is bad for you but oleomargarine and hydrogenated
trans-fats are not. (The FCC... Fake Food Council)
Getting drunk on alcohol is not as bad as getting high on
marijuana (Republicans)
If you cross your eyes and someone slaps you on the back
your eyes will remain in the crossed position. (Teachers trying to keep kids
from enjoying school. School is serious business)
Masturbation causes poor vision and hairy palms. (Organized
religion). My nearsightedness is
congenital and I do not have hairy palms. Thank you.
Drinking cold soda after eating hot soup will crack your
teeth. (Tooth whitening product manufacturers) This one may be true as I always drank cold soda when eating soup and
as of the last count I am down 17 teeth.
Even today when someone tells you something they will start
by saying "THEY say..". And once again I must ponder the question...
Who are THEY?. While continuing my search into this question at the United
Nations website, particularly the UNICEF page, I could not conclusively say
that this propaganda is coming from that source. I believe it started there but
now I believe that this has escalated into an enormous black plot to control EVERY FACIT OF OUR EXISTANCE! Until I
can find out who is behind this plot I will refer to this nameless and secret
organization as T.H.E.Y...
The Host to disseminate Erroneous Yaptrap.
I am convinced that Bankers, Detroit
and members of the Tea Party are behind
this plot. Whether or not they have the backing of the United Nations is no
longer of any significance as their power and influence has increased a
thousand fold over the past twenty years.
Knowledge is power. In order to keep them from learning any
more about me I buy everything using cash. I have lined my walls with aluminum
foil to thwart their eavesdropping and mind reading devices. I speak on the
telephone in code. For example when I call my wife to tell her I am going to
the grocery store I say "Ilana, look around and make sure no one is
reading your lips. I am going hunting and gathering. Good bye" and hang up
quickly before she can utter a single word.
Dammit! Now they know my code speak! Why did I write this in
my blog? Now I have to get a new code for going to the grocery. I better be
careful before I know it there may be men in black knocking at my front door.
Wait. There is a knock at my front door, let me see who is there. I'll be right
... Two men in white coats are out there! Thank god they are
not wearing black. Well I must say goodbye for now. But before I do, promise me
one thing... you will not fall victim to stupid conspiracy theories, tea party
rhetoric, vote for Obama at the next election and always keep a look out for...
Note: The
opinions I have wrote about in this essay do not necessarily reflect the
beliefs of my brother, Robert.
* The Flintstones were
actually an advanced humanoid race that exhibited ecological friendly
technology who did exist along with the dinosaurs but are not directly related
to the humans who exist today or to our Australopithecus ancestors. The TV show is not animated but actual footage found in archelogical digs in Prospect Park.
This posting was a collaborative effort with Alyssa Levine whose intelligence, charm, sharp wit, neurosis and paranoia compliment my twisted views.
This posting was a collaborative effort with Alyssa Levine whose intelligence, charm, sharp wit, neurosis and paranoia compliment my twisted views.